In Japan, Women Think Mark Zuckerberg Is A Hamburger [The Zuckerburger]
Facebook isn’t all that popular in Japan (Mixi is currently king there), but it doesn’t meant that people don’t know about it. After all, the movie “The Social Network” came out in Japan, and I’m sure...
View ArticleWhen a Hamburger in Japan Isn’t a Hamburger
A hamburger in Japan is many things. People in the US tend to have a pretty narrow view of the food—all you really need is two buns with a beef patty in between. Maybe if you’re feeling especially...
View ArticleThe Strangest Ramen in Japan
More than sushi, okonomiyaki, or any other recognizably Japanese food, ramen is arguably the most popular food in Japan. It’s inexpensive, you can find it virtually anywhere in Japan, and everybody...
View ArticleSome Very Expensive Japanese Fast Food
We’ve talked about Japanese fast food on Tofugu in the past, giving you a nice little overview of what’s out there. But, that’s the basic stuff, the things that are on the menu everyday. Why would a...
View ArticleIn Japan, You Can Eat “Big America” Burgers At McDonalds
McDonalds Japan. Not only do they make expensive “high end” burgers now, but they’re also treading on our Amurrrican turf, making “America burgers.” And not just America… “BIG America.” I’m not sure if...
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